One of the recipe that I pick up from my mum. Simple and back to basic (60's).
1 packet of agar agar powder (clear col)
3 stalk of pandan leaf
8 tbsp of caster sugar
1 packet of cocount milk
- Cut 1 stalk of pandan leaf into length size and pound into paste.
- Add in one tbsp of water and mix with the paste.
- Squeeze the juice and ready for use.
- Fill pot with water (about half level of the round tray).
- Tie two stalk of pandan leaf and put into the water
- Pour in the agar agar powder.
- On the stove and cook at medium heat. Keep stirring the mixture while waiting for it to boil.
- Lower the heat once mixture is going to boil.
- Pour in sugar, coconut milk and then pandan juice.
- Off the stove once it is boiled and sugar is dissolved.
- Pour mixture into the round tray for setting
- Once the agar agar is set, put into fridge
- Cut into bite size and serve.
A walk down the memory land